Prof. Dr. M.H.Ferri Aliabadi
Imperial College London
Ferri M.H.Aliabadi holds the Chair of Aerostructures and Zaharoff Chair in Aviation at Imperial College London. He was the head of Department of Aeronautics from 2009-2017.
Ferri M.H. Aliabadi has worked for 25 years in the field of Computational Structural Mechanics and has established an international reputation for his achievements in the development of Computational Method related to Fracture & Damage Mechanics. He has pioneered a new generation of boundary element methods and is noted for his contributions to other fields including Acoustics, Nonlinear Mechanics, Contact and Wear Mechanics, Sensitivity Analysis and Optimisation, Uncertainty Quantification and Reliability Analysis and Multiscale Material Modelling. He has published close to 400 papers in international journals and sixty authored and edited books. He has been the editor in chief of 6 international journals and currently is editor in chief of the international journal of Multiscale Modelling and Experimental and Computational Methods in Solids and Structures book series. He is also an editorial board of 9 other international journals. Prof. Aliabadi has been the recipient of several awards including the ICCES Distinguished Achievement Medal. Prof Aliabadi has been the primary supervisor of 61 successful Ph.D. studies.
Ferri Aliabadi has coordinated and participated in close to 35 national and international research projects and continues to work closely with the aerospace sector in the UK and Europe. He is currently coordinating a Cleansky II project (€10M) on structural health monitoring for composite fuselage (SHERLOC). He is a frequent Keynote speaker at international conferences related to Structural Mechanics and Computational Methods and has given many lecture tours internationally on the topic. He is currently a Foreign Expert in the Area of Multiscale Modelling as part of the Chinese Education Ministry 111-project.