Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yıldız
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yildiz is the Vice President for Research and Development at Sabanci University. He completed his undergraduate education in 1996 with the first rank in Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Department at Yıldız Technical University and received his MSc. degree also from the Metallurgical and Materials Engineering department at Istanbul Technical University in 2000. Between 1996-2000, he worked in two different companies as an R&D engineer and a project manager in the fields of welding and non-destructive testing. He obtained his Ph.D. degree in 2005 from Mechanical Engineering Department at the University of Victoria, BC, Canada in the fields of computational fluid dynamics and semiconductor single crystal growth and then worked as a research associate and lecturer in the same department until 2007.
In 2007, he joined Sabancı University, Faculty of Engineering Natural Sciences as a faculty member in Materials Science and Engineering Program and since 2013, has been leading the effort of establishing Sabanci University-Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Research and Application Center and its industrial leg, Composite Technologies Center of Excellence with Kordsa. He sits in the R&D advisory board of Kastamonu Entegre. He contributed to the establishment of Manufacturing Engineering graduate program at Sabanci University.
Dr. Yildiz's areas of expertise include advanced composite materials, nanocomposites, structural health monitoring and computational mechanics. He published more than 85 SCI indexed high impact factor journals, 8 book chapters, prepared and presented over 135 conference papers and graduated more than 28 MSc. and Ph.D. students.
Prof. Dr. Mehmet Yıldız
Vice President of Sabancı University, Faculty Member of FENS
Phone : +90-216-300 1301
e-mail: mehmet.yildiz@sabanciuniv.edu
Polymer based Composite Materials, Nano Composites, Structural Health Monitoring, Fiber Optic Sensors, Meshless Computational Fluid Mechanics (Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics), Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing, Semiconductor Single Crystal Growth.