Prof. Dr. Emre Erdem
Habilitation Degree (June 2017) University of Freiburg:
Institute of Physical Chemistry, Freiburg Germany Thesis: Defect structures of nanoscale functional semiconductor materials probed by EPR spectroscopy
PhD in Physics (2001-2006) Leipzig University:
Faculty of Physics and Geoscience, International Physics Studies Program, Leipzig GermanyThesis: Size effects in ferroelectric nanoparticles
MSc in Physics (1999-2001) Leipzig University:
Faculty of Physics and Geoscience, International Physics Studies Program, Leipzig GermanyThesis: Preparation and Characterisation of Ferroelectric and Ferromagnetic Nanopowders and Polymeric Nanocomposites
BSc in Physics (1994-1998) Ankara University:
Faculty of Science, Department of Physics, Ankara Turkey Thesis: Plasma oscillations and Landau damping
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Emre Erdem
Sabancı University Faculty Member,
E-mail: emre.erdem@sabanciunivedu
Web: https://www.sabanciuniv.edu/rehber/KisiselBilgilerCV.php?dil=eng&sicil=00003233
Physics of Materials; Spectroscopy (EPR, Raman, Photoluminesence, Impedance); Physical Chemistry; Solid State Physics; Graphene; Carbon dots; Semiconductors; Nanoparticles and Nanocrystals; Ceramics; Powder processing; Phase transitions; Photovoltaics; Solar cells; Thermoelectrics; Supercapacitors, Li-ion batteries; Piezoelectric nanowires and nanogenerators; Wearable electronics; Energy harvesting and storage; Electrical vehicles; Microelectronic systems; Battery management systems; Robot arms, Materials for grippers; Thin film batteries; Power to X technologies; Potentiostat; Electrolyte; Electrode for batteries and supercapacitors; Renewable energy, Batteries for Electrical vehicle; Defect structures