Assoc.Prof.Dr. Adnan Kefal
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adnan Kefal
Faculty Member
Dr. Adnan Kefal is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences (FENS) at Sabanci University and affiliated with SU-IMC & CTCE. He serves as a faculty member in both Manufacturing and Mechatronics Engineering Programs of FENS.
Dr. Kefal received his PhD degree in 2017 from the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK in the fields of structural health monitoring and computational mechanics. During his PhD studies, he worked as a visiting researcher at NASA Langley Research Center, USA in summer 2016. He obtained the BSc from Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering Department at Istanbul Technical University. He also studied Ship Science at the University of Southampton for one year. Prior to joining Sabanci University, he served as an Assistant Professor and the Vice Dean of Research & Development at the Faculty of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Istanbul Technical University in 2018-2020.
Dr. Kefal’s research activities involve (i) real-time shape sensing and structural health monitoring of composite structures using optic sensors and iFEM methodology, (ii) topology optimization for additive manufacturing, (iii) numerical and experimental structural mechanics of 2D/3D composites including fracture, damage, fatigue analyses, (iv) optimizing design for mitigating stress intensification and increasing stiffness-to-weight performance, (v) piezoelectric sensor design for energy harvesting and parameter identification processes, and (vi) complex fluid-structure interaction analysis of large-scale engineering structures. To this end, Dr. Kefal develops novel computational (mesh-based or meshless) and/or experimental methods with key applications in a wide range of engineering fields such as mechanical, aerospace, marine, civil, automobile, and manufacturing engineering. He is co-author of more than 50 journal articles published in SCI-indexed high impact journals, and also prepared and presented over 55 conference papers on these topics.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Adnan Kefal
Sabancı University Faculty Member, Mechanical Test and Structural Health Monitoring Laboratory Coordinator
Phone: +90-216-300 1357
e-mail: adnankefal@sabanciuniv.edu
Computational and experimental mechanics; Large-scale design and analysis; Structural health monitoring; Shape sensing; Structural topology optimization; Additive manufacturing; Composite and sandwich structures; Peridynamics; Isogeometric analysis; Finite element analysis; Beam, plate, and shell theories.