Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bekir Dizman
Dr. Dizman received his B.S. degree in Chemistry and B.A. degree in Business Administration at Koç University in 2001 and his Ph.D. degree in Polymer Science and Engineering in the School of Polymers and High Performance Materials at the University of Southern Mississippi in 2005. He had worked as a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Southern Mississippi between 2005 and 2007. He joined Serina Therapeutics, Inc., which is a privately held pharmaceutical company, as a Senior Scientist in 2007. He was promoted to Manager of Polymer Chemistry position in 2016 at the same company and has worked there until 2018. He received his Associate Professor degree in Chemistry in 2018. He joined Sabancı University Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Research and Application Center (SU IMC) as a Researcher/Assistant Professor in July, 2018. Dr. Dızman has a diverse academic and industrial experience in polymers, materials, and nanotechnology. He has been working in polymer and material science since 1999 and in nanotechnology since 2002. Dr. Dızman has been involved in research, development, pilot production, manufacturing, and preclinical and clinical trials. He has a broad knowledge of Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) standards, technology transfer, auditing and budget preparation. In his research, he has mainly focused on the design and preparation of novel functional polymers and materials for applications in nanotechnology. He is the author and co-author of more than twenty peer-reviewed papers/proceedings and three book chapters and co-inventor of seven patents. He is a partner of two privately held pharmaceutical companies.
Dr. Dızman’s current research activities at SU IMC involve (1) preparation and structure-property relationship of functional/water-soluble/high performance polymers, (2) preparation and application of nano-engineered prepregs and composite materials with the utilization of novel resins and nanomaterials, (3) out-of-autoclave (OOA) manufacturing of composite materials, (4) preparation and utilization of new catalysts and catalyst systems for composite materials, and (5) development of novel nanomedicines (advanced drug delivery systems, targeted drug delivery, nanodiagnostics, and nanotheranostics).
Assoc. Prof. Bekir Dızman
Sabancı University Faculty Member, Polymer Processing Laboratory Coordinator
Phone : +90-216-300 1312
e-mail: bekirdizman@sabanciuniv.edu
Web: http://myweb.sabanciuniv.edu/bekirdizman
Chemistry, Polymer Science and Engineering, Composite Materials