"Workshop on the technological advancements in cement additives for renewable and sustainable thermal energy storage" will be held between 9:30 and 12:30 on January 12, 2021 and hosted by Sabancı University and under the chairmanship of SU IMC Researcher Burcu Saner Okan.In the workshop, the outputs of the GEOCOND project (https://geocond-project.eu) carried out within the scope of Horizon 2020, where Saner Okan is a principal investigator from Turkey’s side and the faculty member of Yusuf Menceloglu is a researcher, will be presented. In the workshop program, the project partners from Çimsa and Carmel Olefins (Israel) will make presentations and Pınar Mengüç from Ozyegin University, Director of Centre for Energy, Environment and Economy, will be an invited speaker with his talk entitled as “Energy Efficiency as a Transdisciplinary Concept: Research and Applications”. Please click for the workshop program and to register.
📅 11 Jul 2021, Sun
11:12 PM