Sabancı University Integrated Manufacturing Research and Application Center (SU-IMC) Integrated Manufacturing Webinar Series continues with David Rosen's "Multi-scale Design of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures for Additive Manufacturing" seminar.Please click to register webinar. Sabancı University Integrated Manufacturing Research and Application Center's (SU-IMC) thematic seminars/webinars series continues at different levels of academia and industry to understand and prioritize the recent institutional, organizational and technical developments for the Additive Manufacturing. SU-IMC Thematic Webinar Series program is as below:17 March 2021- Amit Bandyopadhyay- 3D Printing of Metals and Ceramics for Structural and Biomedical Applications24 March 2021- Tarek Zohdi - Modeling and Simulation Tools for Industrial and Societal Research Applications: Digital Twins and Genome-based Machine-learning31 March 2021 - Brent Stucker - Simulation of Additive Manufacturing: Optimizing Geometry and Process Efficiency7 April 2021- David Rosen - Multi-scale Design of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Structures for Additive Manufacturing21 April 2021 - Charlie C. L. Wang - Multi-Axis Additive Manufacturing: Support-free, Mechanical Strength and Motion Planning28 April 2021- A. John Hart - The Trajectory of Metal Additive Manufacturing5 May 2021- Albert C. To - Modified Inherent Strain Method for Predicting Residual Distortion and Stress in Laser Powder Bed Fusion Parts12 May 2021- Ibrahim Karaman - 4-D Printing and Functional Grading via Metal Additive Manufacturing